Our Business School focuses on developing Management Professionals with academic excellence and practical expertise during the course of two years.

At B.K. School, established in the year 1976, We make sure that our students get All round exposure by conducting Curricular activities in class-room teaching and Expert lectures to learn the practical aspects from the Industry point of view; Co-curricular activities such as Industry visits to get the Industry exposure, Conferences and Various workshops and seminars to develop their skill sets and make them Corporate Ready and ExtraCurricular activities like Renaissance - the annual event of the institute that includes cultural and networking activities, Social service activities, etc.
Our students go for the Summer Internship Program of 6-8 weeks. The intention of the Internship program is to make students learn about corporate expectations, develop professionalism, get ready to take challenges of the field, develop and demonstrate their skill sets and develop research acumen, etc.
With this brief introduction about the Institute and its Program, I invite your Esteemed Organisation to offer Campus Placements to our students of the batch 2018-20.
With Best Wishes
Dr. Kinjal Amin Desai
Placement Officer; P.R.O.
B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies
Gujarat University