Cultural Committee is the most informal, yet formal committee of BKSPMS which is responsible for organizing all the cultural events starting from Fresher’s party, to Milaap to Farewell. The aim of the committee is to promote oneness by conducting these events in the heart of which are social gatherings, fun activities and lots and lots of celebrations. The planning, direction, coordination and logistical requirements for all these events is taken care of by the Cultural Committee. We also work in collaboration with other Clubs and Committees of B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies to promote bonding and team spirit between each and every student at BKSPMS.
Teachers’ day
To the teachers, for the teachers by the students. This is the day when we, the students of BKSPMS come together to appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of our beloved faculty for constantly nurturing, inspiring and guiding us in all our endeavours. To achieve this, we organize a gathering where the faculties as well as the students interact with each other. To increase engagement, many interactive and fun activities are organised where the cherished faculty-student bond is celebrated. A memento/gift is also offered to faculty members by the students as a token of their love and respect, which is followed by photo sessions.
Freshers’ Party
The first step towards welcoming the juniors and making them feel at home- The Freshers Party. This is a night full of fun activities, games and a lot of laughter and dancing. The event where the starry eyed juniors look forward to- Freshers’ party marks the beginning of the junior-senior bond which only gets strengthened as the days pass. Also, the title of Mr. and Ms. Fresher is given to the most dynamic junior each year and this is an integral part of this event..
We all know that Navratri and Garba are more of an emotion to any Gujarati out there. This brings us to Vrund- the most traditional event of BKSPMS, when all the students dress up in colorful traditional attires and dance their hearts out. The event commences with “Aarti” which is performed by the Director, faculties and the students together. The main attraction of this event is also the titles of Garba King and Garba Queen, followed by the awards for the “Best Dressed Boy/Girl”. All in all, it is night filled with laughter, music, dance and of course, blooming friendships.
Milap is the most informal event conducted by the Cultural committee. It is an informal cultural night aimed at bringing the seniors and juniors closer. One of the most cherished and loved events, Milap brings the budding friendships as juniors and seniors erase all boundaries and share a stage. This is normally the beginning of many ever-lasting bonds between the two batches at BKSPMS. Not only does Milap promote bonding and friendship, Milaap also brings out the talents of the students and gives them a platform where they can showcase their skills. Students perform various acts like singing, dancing, skits, mimicry, stand-up comedy, poetry and much more. It is the only event where one can do anything and everything and have fun doing what they love without the need to impress anyone.
Godspeed, which is an expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey, is yet another and the final event organised by the Junior Cultural Committee for their senior batch. This is the most emotional night as we bid farewell to our beloved seniors and wish them luck for their future endeavours. The Cultural Committee strives to make the Last Dance with the seniors worth it, with a night full of dance, activities and lots and lots of love and emotions. The night concludes with the juniors bedding adieu to their seniors with lots of irreplaceable memories and mementos/gifts as a token of love.
Committee Members
Junior Committee Members
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- Cultural Committee