B K School of Professional and Management Studies is always focused on creating an environment which ensures constant Learning and Development of Students. Under the guidance of Dr. Kinjal Desai, the Placement Committee conducts various workshops and skill development activities. Students are provided with necessary resources, one to one guidance and skill development workshops for making them ready for corporate and utilizing their potential at the institute.

L&D activities are conducted for students of two-year full time MBA program to help them in Developing their soft skills, Building their CV and Preparing them for placements. These activities also facilitate one to one counselling from Placement Coordinator.


Activities of Learning and Development starts with the induction of a new batch. During the induction process, students are briefed about the placement activities and also introduced to the academic calendar. Students are also informed about the developmental activities planned from them throughout their journey at BKSPMS. These activities include,

Campus to Corporate Workshop

The main objective of the workshop is to bridge the gap between Campus and Corporate. In this workshop, Students are provided with the training for developing soft skills, building CV and cracking GDPI.

Expert Lectures

Various industry experts and entrepreneurs visit the campus to take sessions which give students an exposure to actual corporate life. Interaction with Entrepreneurs enhances the entrepreneur skills of students and motivate them to start their own businesses

Interaction with Alumni

Learning and Development activities include interaction with alumni which helps students in understanding the journey of the prestigious alumnis. Interaction with Alumni gives broad idea about the corporate life and make them learn from the journey of alumni.