B. Pharm, MBA (Marketing, Gold Medalist), Ph. D (Management)
Specialization: Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Brand Management, Marketing Research
Specialization: Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Brand Management, Marketing Research
Dr. Neelima Ruparel is a Professor and Head of the Department at B. K. School of Professional and Management Studies, GU. A Gold medalist in Marketing specialization, she attained her Doctorate in Management in 2003 in the area of CRM.
Dr. Neelima Ruparel has 26 years of academic experience at post-graduate level and corporate experience as a Product Manager at Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd. She has presented research papers at many national and international conferences held at various institutes of repute including IIM-Ahmedabad and Indore to name a few. Two of her research papers have been awarded with Best Research Paper Award at National level summits. She also has to her credit a co-edited book on Management and Research Practices in Emerging Markets.
Being a Ph. D Guide at Gujarat University, 10 scholars have been awarded Ph.Ds and 8 scholars are pursuing Ph.D. under her guidance. She has also been invited as External Examiner for Ph. D thesis evaluation at many Universities in India. Moreover, Dr. Ruparel has been conferred with a Major Research Project of UGC on Organized Retailing in India with a specific focus on Career Opportunities for Youth. She has also been a Reviewer for Emerald Publishing’s Journal Personnel Review.
Being associated with B. K. School since 2005, Dr. Ruparel has played a major role in institutional development and organized many seminars, workshops and conferences. She was a part of the committee for establishing a new course of MBA in Port Management at B. K. School and also initiated to start P. G. Diploma in Pharmaceutical Management and Hospital Management under the Department of Management Studies.
A person with strong research aptitude and organizing ability, she constantly strives to improve the academic and research standard of students thereby contributing in uplifting the overall image of the institute.